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Calm Your Mind

Join me for a group meditation class where you can experience an hour of guided meditations and receive helpful tips on how to quiet your mind. Whether you are new to meditation or have some experience, this class is open to all levels.

Classes are every Wednesday night in Rockwood from 7pm to 8 pm. After clicking on the Register list from your phone you will have to click the top right and select classes and then Meditation classes.


Hands on Healing

This class is for anyone who is wanting to learn the fundamentals and basics of Reiki. It is a fun day of learning how to feel and sense energy and learn all the basic hand positions.

Sunday May 26th at 9 am


Hands on Healing

You must have completed your Level I training before taking this class.  Level II gives you the skills to practice Reiki on others and opens energy channels more deeply.  You will receive symbols during this class that will bring clarity and insight and add power, and harmony to your treatments. At the end of the class you will be able to send distant Reiki.

Saturday May 4th at 9 am.


Mindfulness and Healing

A grief meditation is a way to help you process and heal from the pain of loss. By practicing mindfulness and self-reflection, you can find a sense of peace and acceptance while honouring your emotions. My intention is to provide a safe space for you to connect with your grief and offer tools to help with the grieving process.

Classes are every night in Rockwood from 7pm-8pm. 

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Events and Classes: Features
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